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abiaxair Foundation
Abiax Foundation is a non for profit entity that contributes and assists schools with limited resources in Argentina
Note that these schools lack of basic elements and infrastructure. Usually they do not have electricity, nor heating for winter sessions. They are located at isolated places, distant from major cities. Students have a long walk to attend classes and have breakfast and lunch –sometimes their only meals in all day- being provided by the school.

How can you also help?
  • Donating material (*)
  • Spending time visiting the school and it students
  • Sending letters regularly to the teacher of the school (note that these schools normally have 1 teacher that handles all academic and non academic issues)
  • Spreading the word about this initiative

(*) The foundation DOES NOT receive money donations. However, we do receive:
  • School materials (books, computers, etc)
  • Clothes to be used by children and their families
  • Other materials (such as heating machines)

Donations could be either new or second hand, but have to be in good conditions

If you wish to be a donor, or would like to propose a school in any Latin American or Caribbean country to receive contributions, please contact

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(*) indicates required fields